Thursday, January 30, 2014

I like my cupcake socks

So i had a class with one of my friend today..

Friend: Eh your hair today very nice leh.
Me: Hahahaa th-
Friend: Not like last time.

I knew she was gonna add something...

Friend: Your socks very cute leh.
Me: Yaya..
Friend: Not like you~
:( she hurt mai feelings

Here is a picture of my cutie socks:

Honestly i think it's one of the cutest socks i've ever bought!! I have another cute max one but i've yet to wear it.(maybe for CNY) Back to the topic, i'm glad i bid with this friend and got to be in the same class! Makes Mathematical Accounting slightly more interesting. slightly... And if you're wondering why uni students(AKA my friend and i) speak in that manner...there's actually nothing wrong. We tend to speak lyykk diS when we're conversing with someone whom we're familiar with or close to.

ps. no cupcakes were hurt in the process.

Anyway i came across someone's wordpress and i would like to say a few things. As if anyone would be reading this right now let along that person.. HEY :) Cheer up! This period would be difficult for you but know that there is one random person out there(here) who is giving you a :))) triple chinned smiley face in the hope that you would smile too. And this is an abrupt awkward ending as i do not want to sound like a stalker. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


In your single years, more than ever, you have the ability to give your life for them; to pour out your time, your energy, your love, and your resources to those that have God’s special favor – the poor and the least. Are you using this gift for the benefit of those in need, or are you squandering it on yourself?