Thursday, April 17, 2008

oh mannnn haven blog for a very long time :/
oh the business.
today actually suppose to have oral but,
posponed due to MDM FAEIZAH nvr come.
so ma fan loh like that. tskkk.
crapped with cy and xp today. we were the lucky index no. 1-13.
went kfc. i remember the last time i was there was with seh lok on my left, jerun on my right. with yi wei, yunise and weiting. lol
oooh sehlok just sign in. (:
oh yah. so many scandels sia recently.
zl and ly.
joyce n yd.
veron n JIEJIAN. mwahahaha. make fun of themmm.
got scandel phtos sia.
scandel-lous week.
aiya y tmr no drill. I WANT DRILL AND BE TIMER):
CEREALL. lol. yk owes me (in oral english tone) FOODDDDDD-eh
*speak english MATE*
ah. the times.
aunty i want milo dinosaur.
(hands do the stop signn) bu yao milo.
i really need to practice Amaths,learn chi,chem,physics,geoGRAphy,SS and oh my sheeeeeet. cycling de-stresses you ok.
oh yah. fancyyy drill what to do now. :/

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