Friday, December 02, 2011


WARNING: this is a hate post, a platform for me to let things out. suck it.
Oh, right. hate is too strong a word.
let's just say i'm very very very very pissed off and beyond emotionally agitated in terms of anger.
I would very much ignore every single person i see right now.
except if you're Jesus, xiaogui or qiu ze.

Is it not common sense and basic respect to at least tell someone who's at home/older than you where you are going when you're going out?

I mean when you leave a house you don't even say "I'm leaving etc."
What kind of shit is that? Do you think this is a hotel?

Seriously, if you're reaching home at bloody 12.20am isn't simple to drop a stupid 5 word sms.
"I will reach home late."
"I 12am+ then reach home"

Don't you have basic accountability to at least your family?

This is not the first time this is happening okay.
How many times have i sent out an sms to ask 
"will you be back for dinner/lunch, ma ask"

Dude, if you don't wanna tell people then NEXT TIME PEOPLE ALSO DON'T CARE YOU OK. YOU LIKE THAT HUH? YOU LIKE IT?

Another one,
only know how to sit in front of the damn computer screen and play game.
Talk also don't know how already huh.
Shout also don't want reply.
Must say how many times.

Oh, so you asked a question once and i didn't answer.
"Got wash my socks not?"
Oh, when you asked the second time you sounded very annoyed.
That's how i feel too ha. ha.

you don't want to be accountable is it.
then don't blame me if i'm not at home and you went out, forgot bring key, and need mine, and you can't contact me/don't know where am i.

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