Monday, December 22, 2014

Xmas bash

Tonight will finally be the night I get to sleep in until past 12!!! (Although I have to go red hill area at 2..)

The past few weeks have been crazy and busy! After finishing my exams, there was my birthday party to prepare for, sherry's bday surprise, xmas bash prep... Decembers have always been fun filled and exciting but also always so packed and busy! More so this year because I have my Korea Exchange application to handle and it's been at the back of my mind, annoying me. But wow the past 3 weeks were very well spent :) especially the past few days... :)))) I really enjoyed myself even in this physical tiredness. Got to speak to a few people and shared about our lives. It was good. Xmas bash '14 was also AMAZING. It's such a waste that it's not a week long kind of event hahahaha. 

So anyway... It will be kind of weird suddenly not spending massive amount of time with the Lifegroup for the later part of this week. Even weirder when I will go exchange :( yes I am sad siiigggghhhhhh

What am I gonna dooo~
I am gonna miss chuuu~

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