Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mid-term crisis

You know how people have mid life crisis? I'm having a mid-term crisis. Let me explain. Basically this started because of CNY. Yes, I am blaming CNY!!! At the start of CNY, I had no urge or whatsoever to feed on those delicious sinful cny goodies. Then i thought hey there's so many of those if i don't eat some, who will? Right? So i ate some and I've never stopped since then... I had coke cravings(I usually hate soft drinks, it's gassy okay), I ate snacks even when i wasn't hungry just because and... I'm.. FATter.

I lost my motivation to be healthy and exercise once a week too. This always happens during school term. So right now at this moment I'm feeling soooooooooo sad because my tummy is so flabby. Also another side effect I get is feeling like doing everything else except for studying. As if I'm already not a natural at procrastinating.. So currently I want to go overseas and study culinary(baking?? cooking??), go Korea for a year or so to officially study Korean, be a travel blogger.(eventhough my writing style is really weird and my English is just ok) 

I don't know why but nowadays I've been thinking on what to do in the future and the problem is that there's just so many things that I want to try out and I don't think I actually have the time. 

And here's a random picture of carefree times. Ah..

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